Audiovisual Outdoor Artivism | Vegan Straight Edge Ultra Endurance | Legs and Lungs Media
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Vafels | Plant-Based Liège Wafels
My initial exposure to Vafels came through accomplished trail runners in Boulder, Colorado. Immediately, I knew I had to learn more. I became an apprentice and learned that Vafels are handmade with organic ingredients and active yeast, they cold-ferment overnight and are made in authentic wafel irons (where pearl sugar imported from Belgium caramelizes to perfection) The aromas are deep, sincere and unique. Complex hints of banana, floral scents of flour and yeast, moist and delicate nibs of sugar.
For decades, athletes have relied on gels, bars and gummies for fast sugars producing quick energy. Behind the scenes, pro teams were using grains and baking cakes (the difference is obvious) Vafels offer sustained energy you can feel. A break from an arsenal of monotonous bars and gels, they are closer to a whole food plant-based option than any product marketed to athletes present day. Baking has never been so clean
Pinnacle - Out & Back - Appalachian Trail
Photo Courtesy of Reb Green @Wild.Bone.Alchemy
- Pre "Covid" I had intentions of riding to Lancaster Farm Sanctuary to meet the residents (animal ...
Curious where my childhood BMX enthusiasts would be if they stayed on the bike, or at least transitioned that passion elsewhere. Great out...